With a stay at home order in place for all of Hawaii until at least April 30th COVID-19 has quickly changed all of our daily lives. Although Air Maui is currently closed for all flights, we look forward to the time when we can serve all of you again. In the meantime, we hope that everyone is able to stay home and stay safe during this time. If you are looking for a way to break the quarantine doldrums, check out some fun stay at home activities below. Take this time to spend time with your family, try out that new hobby you’ve always wanted to do, or catch up on those house projects you’ve been meaning to do. Let’s stay connected to our loved ones in the ways that we can and be support one another as much as possible during these challenging times.

Arts & Crafts
Arts & crafts activities are a great way to unwind and can often be completed with items you already have around the house. Whether you are looking for activities to do with your kids or you would like something to keep yourself busy, there are tons of interesting and creative activities on the web. Check out the link below for activities that you can create with your kids from 3 supplies or less.
Educational Apps for Kids
Although I am sure we are all trying to limit our kids screen time while they are stuck at home, sometimes we just need a break, and that’s okay! Try out some of these free educational apps for kids and turn their screen time into learning time.

Board Games & Puzzles
A great way to spend some fun time together as a family is to break out a board game or puzzle. This gives your family a chance to spend some quality time together that is fun for everyone while being together. Check out the link below for some of the best games for kids and families.
Family Movie Night
Looking for a fun activity as the night is winding down? Pop some popcorn, bust out the juice boxes and enjoy a family movie night! If you are looking for the perfect movie that everyone can enjoy, check out the link below for a list of fun family movies with recommended ages.

Activities for Energetic Kids
If you have kids with lots of energy to spend, try some of these activities: scavenger hunts, musical chairs, obstacle courses, dancing, exercise cube, and more! And remember that even though you need to keep your distance from others, you can still get outside to get some fresh air. Check out the link for tons of ideas to get your kids moving even while they are stuck at home.
Kids love planting seeds and watching them grow. It’s also a great way to get then to eat their fruits and veggies! If you are lucky enough to have a space outside to grow a garden, take advantage. If you don’t have a space outside, check out some of these ideas for indoor gardens in small spaces. If you have kids they will love to help!

Cooking Activities
Cooking is a great activity to try out with your kids. Not only can they learn math concepts while at home, but they can learn about nutrition and develop practical life skills. Who knows, maybe they will even be making you dinner once in a while! Check out some kid friendly recipes by following the link below.
New Hobbies
If you are looking for a new hobby to try out during this time, check out this link! From scrapbooking to photography to whittling there are tons of different ideas, many of which you can get started with from at home.

Home Improvement
If you would like to have some fun with a few DIY home projects during your time at home, check out the link below for some budget friendly home improvement ideas. Some of these your kids may even be able to help out with.
Even though gyms are closed you can still get your daily exercise routine in. Check out the link below for some ideas on how to exercise at home. Remember to mix it up and keep it fun.

Here at Air Maui our guest’s safety has always been our top concern. Due to COVID-19 and the state mandated travel restrictions, we are not accepting new bookings for dates before June 1st. Please stay safe during this time and we look forward to being able to fly with you again soon!